Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Volunteers needed for September McCabe event

Mike will announce his candidacy in mid-September and plans are underway to organize a La Crosse area McCabe for Governor event on Monday evening, September 25. If you would like to help work on setting up this event, there will be a planning meeting on Friday, August 25th, at 6:00pm. Please email lacrosse.for.mccabe-at-gmail-dot-com if you can attend and help plan and produce the event.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Mike McCabe's book and a letter to the editor

This was posted at

Here is a link to the free PDF version of Mike McCabe's book, Blue Jeans In High Places. It is a pretty quick read and very interesting and insightful. It contains some quality history on Wisconsin politics, both good and bad, and some great ideas on how we can change our state and country for the better. It's a worthwhile resource for any Wisconsin progressive as well as a window into McCabe's perspective and values. My guess is it'll leave you excited about his campaign for governor. Making this book free is a great example of how Mike walks the walk of a commoner and leads with integrity. 


in today's La Crosse Tribune, a McCabe supporter asks us to Consider McCabe for Governor.
Mike wants to find common ground and work for the common good. He believes that too few have too much power and influence in government. He understands that politics work very well for the privileged few, but far too often fail us regular people.